Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Free, open-source Java library for working with dates and times

Supported Concepts
 “An instant in the datetime continuum specified as a number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z”
  Within Joda-Time an instant is represented by the ReadableInstant interface.
  There are four implementations of the interface provided.

 Instant - A simple immutable implementation which is restricted to the UTC time zone and is intended for   time zone and calendar neutral data transfer
 DateTime - The most commonly used class in the library, and an immutable representation of a date and time with calendar and time zone
 DateMidnight - Similar to DateTime and also immutable but with the time component forced to be midnight (at the start of a day)
 MutableDateTime - A mutable representation of date and time with calendar and time zone.

 a partial date/time representation (subset of fields) with no time zone
 “an interval of time from one millisecond instant to another”
 “a duration of time measured in milliseconds”
 “a period of time defined in terms of fields, for example, 3 years 5 months 2 days and 7 hours”
Chronology “a pluggable calendar system