Sunday, November 21, 2010

Business Delegate

Use a Business Delegate to reduce coupling between presentation-tier clients and business services. The Business Delegate hides the underlying implementation details of the business service, such as lookup and access details of the EJB architecture.

Front Controlers

Front Controller is responsible for processing all application request.

Strut2: Dispatcher FilterDispatcher.
Struts1: ActionServlet.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Struts2 Overview

What is Struts2?

Struts2 is a MVC (model-view-controller) web application framework. It has a simple goal – make web development easier for developers. Struts2 aims at providing increased productivity through reduced XML configuration, smart conventions, and a modular and loosely-coupled architecture.

Originally started as WebWork, Struts 2 was designed to address several perceived deficiencies with Struts1. Struts1 was to tightly tied to the servlet specification and contained many Struts 1-specific constructs. Struts 2 takes advantage of the many lessons learned to present a cleaner implementation of MVC.

Features and Benefits of Using Struts2:

  • Action based framework
  • Mature with a vibrant developer and user community
  • Annotation and XML configuration options
  • POJO-based actions that are easy to test
  • Spring, SiteMesh and Tiles integration
  • OGNL expression language integration
  • Themes based tag libraries and Ajax tags
  • Multiple view options (JSP, Freemarker, Velocity and XSLT)
  • Plug-ins to extend and modify framework features

Struts2 Configuration

The majority (if not all) of the struts2 configuration should done using the struts.xml. Another option is to include a file. However, it is not recommend when developing new applications. The file is provided for backward-compatibility with WebWork. The struts.xml file needs to be located in the root of the classpath

The struts.xml file will contain the configuration for actions, interceptors, packages, namespaces, results and some validation. It can also be used to set Struts2 specific properties like the devMode. The alternative to configuring Struts2 with the struts.xml file is to use annotations. I prefer to the xml file approach over annotations since our entire configuration is kept in a single location not spread across several (maybe hundreds) classes. I also like to keep configuration details out of classes.

When defining configuration elements (like actions) in the struts.xml file it is important to think about grouping them into packages and namespaces. Packages and namespaces help group and classify various configuration elements, delineate areas of responsibility and provide package-specific resources. They help draw destinations between different sections of an application. For example, admin operations should have their own package and namespace separate from the other application operations.

Title, label, error and all other messages that need to be displayed to the end user should be built in the file (usually located in the action package). is simple properties file that holds messages (and keys) in a single, common location for the entire application. Messages can be easily retrieved or throughout the entire application. Maintenance is reduced by having everything in a common location.


Actions are the basic building block the Struts2 framework (as well many other MVC frameworks). Each URL is mapped to a specific action, which provides the processing logic necessary to service the request from the user. They are the most basic unit of work that can be

associated with a HTTP request coming from a user.

In Struts 2 actions are POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) and an object instance is created for every new request. This is a different from Struts 1 where actions are singletons and only one instance of the actions class is used to handle all requests. POJOs increases testability, reduces coupling in the framework and HTML form field data is converted to proper types for the action to use.

Much of the functionality that actions need is provided through a combination of interface implementations and interceptors (we’ll get more information on interceptors later). Most (if not all) of our actions should extend the ActionSupport class. ActionSupport is a utility class that implements the most commonly used interfaces (Action, Validateable, ValidationAware, TextProvider, Localprovider and Serializable.)

Since the bulk of the applications functionality should reside in service classes our actions are where the service operations are instantiated and invoked. Generally, actions should be kept highly cohesive. Meaning that each action should serve a single, well focused purpose. They should provide a single unit of work for a request. However, you can have actions with several methods that can be invoked separately.

Several actions may be built as “Model Driven” actions. Model driven actions implement the ModelDriven interface and provide access to domain objects. Struts will then populate the fields of this object with the request parameters, and this object will be placed on top of the stack once the action is executed. Validation will also be performed on this model object, instead of the action. See for more information.


Interceptors are another of the core components that makes up a Struts2. The bulk of core framework functionally comes from interceptors. They provide common crosscutting functionality and features to be applied to actions in a constant and convenient manner, without the need of adding code in each and every action. Working very similar to Servlet Filters, interceptors provide a simple way to add processing logic around method calls in an action.

Interceptors are grouped into collections called “Interceptor Stacks”. Struts2 provides several pre-configured stacks for performing common application tasks. However, you can also customize and configure your own stacks. Either stacks or individual interceptors can be configured by action or by package. Configuring what interceptor an actor or package should use is done in the struts.xml.

All packages and actions configuration should include the defaultStack or paramPrepareParamsStack provided with Struts 2. The defaultStack contains interceptors for exceptions, servletConfiguration, params, debugging, modelDriven, validation and many others. The paramPrepareParamsStack is very similar to the defaultStack except it does not contain interceptors for debugging and profiling. Another important difference between the two stacks is that the paramPrepareParamsStack includes an additional params interceptor before the prepare interceptor (if action is preparable.) In the defaultStack the params interceptor is called after the prepare interceptor. What does this all mean? If a parameter from the UI is needed for the prepare method to execute properly it will fail if the defaultStack is used because the parameters are set after the prepare call. Just be ware of the difference.

Several other interceptors may be used for specific areas of the application. For example, the roles interceptor may be used for admin type functionality, clearSession interception for logout operation.

Since interceptions are such an important concept in Struts 2 it is important to know what interceptors are available and what they are used for. See for a list of all framework interceptors and their functions.

User Interface

Struts2 Tag Library

When developing a UI (User Interface) with JSPs, tag libraries should be used. Tag libraries are nothing new to Java. They provide an easy, uniform way to render information to the user while minimizing the simple, repetitive programming that usually happens with UI development. Tag libraries help with maintainability by keeping the logic encapsulated, and reducing the temptation of cutting and pasting code.

Struts2 provides a rich tag library that is very similar to JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) except it has a tight integration with the framework. It provides the intersection between actions and views, allowing dynamic information from actions to be rendered as well as making rendering decisions on the information to display at runtime. Tags can also access action methods and can use OGNL to evaluate expressions. See

for more information on Struts2 tags.

OGNL (Object-Graph Navigation Language)

OGNL is open-source EL (Expression Language) that Struts2 uses (In the future Struts2 will allow for other expression languages to be plugged in instead). It provides a mechanism to navigate object graphs using dot notation and evaluate expressions, including calling methods on the objects being retrieved. OGNL can be a very valuable tool in Struts2. See for more information.


SiteMesh is a templating technology (similar to Apache Tiles) that is used to construct a common look and feel for an entire application. It uses a decorator design pattern to establish HTML with additional HTML provided from a secondary file. In other words, SiteMesh builds an HTML template for a page and then decorates additional HTML to that template. See for more information.

Struts2 Validation Configuration

Input validation is a very important part of every application. This is no different for Struts2 applications. Validation helps us ensure that only appropriate data is passed to our actions. Like most of the configuration within Struts 2, validation can be done either through XML or annotations. I would recommend taking the XML approach for the same reasons stated in the Struts2 configuration section.

Any action class that extends ActionSupport or implements the ValidationAware interface can easily tie into the Struts2 validation framework. Action validation configuration can either be done in the struts.xml file or in individual action validation XML files (located in the same package as the action). I recommend using the individual action validation files in order to minimize the size and complexity of the struts.xml file. An action validation file has the same name as the action but with “-validation.xml” appended on the end. For example, if we have an action class called then we use a validation file called ILikeBaconAction-validation.xml. Within the validation XML file, field and action validation rules are configured by building validators and setting their validation types and properties. See for a full list of validation types and what can be done within Struts2 validation.

The validation XML files can handle the majority of the validation rules for actions. However, there are situations where the business rules are too complex and the XML configuration gets complicated and unreadable. When this situation occurs a no argument validate method can be added to the action. If the action extends ActionSupport or implements the ValidationAware interface the validate method will be automatically invoked when the actions is called. Within the validate method the validation rules can then be coded in pure Java and error messages can be added to the action.

References / Helpful Links:

Struts2 Home:

Struts2 Wiki:

Struts2 FAQ:

Free Struts2 Book:

Struts 1 vs. Struts2

Struts2 Tags:

More Struts2 Tags:

Model Driven Actions:


More Interceptors:

Even More Interceptors:

Struts2 Validation:



More SiteMesh:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

would you like to become wealthy

Warren Buffet suggested two very simple rules which anyone can follow.

Rule #1: Never lose money
Rule #2: Never forget Rule #1

By following these two rules, he went on to become the worlds 2nd richest man.

How do we lose money?
1. By spending recklessly. I have seen people spending not only their current income recklessly but also their future income though Credit Cards and Personal Loans.
2. By not having any value for the money they have. If you do not have value for money then money will not have any value for you and keep evading you. Show respect to money and it will show respect to you. If you wish to check out this point, show lesser respect to your spouse and / or children for a week and see what happens. They will immediately start showing lesser respect towards you.

3. By investing rashly. I have heard people say "I do not have the time. Tell me in two minutes what you have to say and then I will decide what to do". Well, if you do not have time to learn how to save your hard earned money and invest it in the most efficient manner, you will go into retirement with a lot time in hand and no money to enjoy it.

What can you do about it? Change your attitude !!!

1. Start saving. Save as much as you can while you can.

2. Start showing a lot of value and respect for the money that you already have. By being grateful to what you already have, you will enter an ever growing virtuous spiral of abundance and growth where you will start experiencing abundance of time, money, love, friends and everything else that you need. By not being grateful to what you already have, you will enter a vicious spiral of scarcity where-in you will keep experiencing shortage of time, money, love, friends and everything else.

3. Invest wisely. Devote some time to learn the basics of investing. 

4. Do not get swayed by others. I hope you have heard the story about the "Crab Mentality". An international competition was held to decide which country has the best crabs. Everyone sent their best specimens properly packed. Indians sent their crabs in a open basket. The organizers asked the person who brought them "how did you manage to get so many crabs in an open basket without the fear of losing them". The person answered "Sir these are Indian Crabs. The moment one crab starts climbing out of the basket, the others will pull its leg and make sure that it does not escape !!!"

5. Implement what needs to be done today. Tomorrow never comes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hibernate Caching

I found some useful information on internet about hibernate caching.I thought of sharing with everyone.
High-volume database traffic is a frequent cause of performance problems in Web applications. Hibernate is a high-performance, object/relational persistence and query service. In many cases, second-level caching can be just what Hibernate needs to realize its full performance-handling potential.

What is caching – Anything you can do to minimize traffic between a database and an application server is probably a good thing. In theory, an application ought to be able to maintain a cache containing data already loaded from the database, and only hit the database when information has to be updated. When the database is hit, the changes may invalidate the cache.

There are two different cache used in hibernate-
1. First Level cache – This is associated with session. This is default implemented in hibernate on a per-transaction basis. Hibernate uses this cache mainly to reduce the number of SQL queries it needs to generate within a given transaction. For example, if an object is modified several times within the same transaction, Hibernate will generate only one SQL UPDATE statement at the end of the transaction, containing all the modifications
2. Second level cache – This is associated with Session Factory object. It will survive Sessions and can be reused in new Session by same SessionFactory (which usually is one per application). By default the 2nd level cache is not enabled. This ’second-level’ cache exists as long as the session factory is alive. The second-level cache holds on to the ‘data’ for all properties and associations for individual entities that are marked to be cached. The second level cache is responsible for caching objects across sessions.

Cache Type
EHCache (Easy Hibernate Cache) —
OSCache (Open Symphony) —
SwarmCache —
JBoss TreeCache —

EHCache -s an open source widely used java distributed cache for general purpose caching, Java EE and light-weight containers. It features memory and disk stores, replicate by copy and invalidate, listeners, cache loaders, cache extensions, cache exception handlers, a gzip caching servlet filter, RESTful and SOAP APIs and much more. Ehcache is available under an Apache open source license and is actively developed, maintained and supported.It support read only, Non strict Read/write,Read/write caching.It does not support transactional caching architecture.
OSCache – is “a Java framework” developed by OpenSymphony that makes it easy to cache content in Web applications.It is a caching solution that includes a JSP tag library and set of classes to perform fine grained dynamic caching of JSP content, servlet responses or arbitrary objects.It provides both in memory and persistent on disk caches.They can allow your site to have graceful error tolerance .It support read only, Non strict Read/write,Read/write caching.It does not support transactional schema caching architecture.
SwarmCache is a simple cluster-based caching solution based on JavaGroups. It supports read-only or nonstrict read/write caching. This type of cache is appropriate for applications that typically have many more read operations than write operations.It support read only, Non strict Read/write caching.It does not support ,Read/write and transactional caching architecture.It is is a cluster-based caching.
JBoss TreeCache – is a powerful replicated (synchronous or asynchronous) and transactional cache. Use this solution if you really need a true transaction-capable caching architecture.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bean Scope

Bean scopes

When you create a bean definition what you are actually creating is a recipe for creating actual instances of the class defined by that bean definition. The idea that a bean definition is a recipe is important, because it means that, just like a class, you can potentially have many object instances created from a single recipe.

You can control not only the various dependencies and configuration values that are to be plugged into an object that is created from a particular bean definition, but also the scope of the objects created from a particular bean definition. This approach is very powerful and gives you the flexibility to choose the scope of the objects you create through configuration instead of having to 'bake in' the scope of an object at the Java class level. Beans can be defined to be deployed in one of a number of scopes: out of the box, the Spring Framework supports exactly five scopes (of which three are available only if you are using a web-awareApplicationContext).

The scopes supported out of the box are listed below:

Scope Description

singleton Scopes a single bean definition to a single object instance per Spring IoC container.

prototype Scopes a single bean definition to any number of object instances.

request Scopes a single bean definition to the lifecycle of a single HTTP request; that is each and every HTTP request will have its own instance of a bean created off the back of a single bean definition. Only valid in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.

session Scopes a single bean definition to the lifecycle of a HTTP Session. Only valid in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.

global session Scopes a single bean definition to the lifecycle of a global HTTP Session. Typically only valid when used in a portlet context. Only valid in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.


Strategies for starting a small business

  • Expand your business horizons by reaching out to different customers
  • Recognize your Unique Selling Point which is uniquely different from your competitors.
  • Formulate an expert and professional team to execute your business plans
  • Create Goodwill, impetus and proper management
  • Recognize and safeguard your Intellectual Property
  • Expand your business through various medium
  • Look forward for tie-ups and meaningful collaborations with other companies
  • Win the faith and reliability of your customers
  • Do not neglect the importance of internet and create your business website
  • Gain from your experience, deploy standard machinery and methodologies
  • Provide money back assurance
Remember, business is all about proper approach, determination and dedication. Strike the perfect balance between vocation, family and leisure to go a long way.